> Hello, I'm Sik and I want to ask you some questions:
> I have a PbG4 867MHz 12" (with a nvidia) and I can't have running the
> airport and MOL.
> Your TI-Book have a radeon or a nvidia? Because I only can take 8bits of
> color with MOL and I can see any thing.
> The second one is about the airport, it's the old one 11Mbps?
1) it is a radeon (mobility?) either 7000 or 9200 (I forget) with 32 MB of
VRAM. I got mol to work by reemerging it with the correct USE-flags set,
then running molvconfig. MOL works at either 256(8bit) or thousands(16bit)
of colors, but not millions.
2)Yes, it is the original airport, not extreme. There is a complicated
precedure involving MOL that lets you use an extreme under linux that is
detailed on the gentoo forums.

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