Looks like XFS works fine, i changed to ext3 and i still whit the same
problem (sshd works almost normal now... but mysql and other stuff still
slow, also my network stills at 30% of normal average) i better will
rebuild all...

Thanks for the coments :)  

On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 20:05, Nicholas Hockey wrote:
> i have never had a problem, and i have been running XFS almost from the day that sgi 
>made a kernel patch for it
> i run mysql, apache2, courier, sshd (and yes i use key auths) 
> tilt@blackhole(pts/4) [~] df -hT
> Filesystem    Type    Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/sdc1      xfs    941M   94M  848M  10% /
> none          proc       0     0     0   -  /proc
> none         devfs       0     0     0   -  /dev
> tmpfs        tmpfs    2.0M   24K  2.0M   2% /mnt/.init.d
> /dev/hda1      xfs     63M  5.7M   57M  10% /boot
> none        devpts       0     0     0   -  /dev/pts
> /dev/hde1      xfs     38G   20G   18G  52% /opt
> /dev/hde2      xfs     38G   31G  6.5G  83% /home
> /dev/hda3      xfs    941M  254M  687M  27% /tmp
> /dev/hda4      xfs     17G  3.8G   13G  23% /usr
> /dev/sdc2      xfs     16G  4.8G   11G  32% /usr/local
> /dev/hda2      xfs    941M  334M  607M  36% /var
> (for more info like kernel version etc. etc. goto http://www.necrophile.net)
> -- 
> Nicholas Hockey (Tilt) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Unix Administrator
> Tilt@EFnet #BitchX
> -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
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> Or, if you perfer ldap (which i do, beacuse of the HKP protocol bug):
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