Hello, everyone.  I'm a bit of a newbie to Gentoo.  I've had a gentoo web 
server up and running for about a month now, but I'm just now installing 
it on a desktop machine I have.  

FYI, the desktop system is:
Athlon XP 1800+
MSI Mobo
WD IDE hdd

gentoo 1.4_rc2
gcc 3.2
make.conf has:
CFLAGS=-march=athlon-xp -03 -pipe

Hopefully that'll be of some use once I'm done explaining.  I'm trying to 
get KDE up and running, among other things.  However, cups is a 
requirement of KDE, so I need cups. However, I die when compiling cups 
with this:
Annot.cxx:  C++ Compiler not found on your system
[make dies]

I'm pretty sure I have a c++ compiler, but googling and searching 
groups.google.com hasn't turned up anything useful, since I have cc1plus 
in there.

So, I'm pretty much halted for the time being.  Again, I'm new to using it 
as a desktop, but I'm befuddled since cups emerged FINE on my dual PII 
system, which is tweaked for the PII processor.  I have a friend with the 
same kind of wierd compilation problems on his athlon-xp system.  

I dunno. If this is a known problem, then I apologize for reiterating it, 
but if so, please point me to a solution, if any.


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