On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 10:11:47AM +0200, Voicu Liviu wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Thursday 06 February 2003 06:43, gabor wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > i've read in the xine-faq, that running X at a higher-priority ( lower
> > nice level ) is a good idea...
> >
> > i understant that that would improve the responsiveness of X, but i
> > wanted to know about others experiences...
> using "nice -n -10" will make yout CPU busy most of time with the X....this is 
> what u want?

That's stupid. Renicing X to level -10 will cause the scheduling give more
priority to X, so when X actually has to do something, it'll be scheduled
before other processes running at lower priorities.

As a sidenote, I'm getting fed up with the level of discussions going up
here. I always thought the gentoo distribution is meant for the power user,
not for the plain brave user (the difference is that the power user has both
the experience and the _knowledge_ to do what he/she wants). Appearently at
least the gentoo-user list is filled with people mostly coming from the 'huh
what's /proc, nevermind, let's emerge -ep world again with -O9' part. That's
getting a bit boring..

Anyway, have fun with gentoo.. I'll do the same, but off-list. Good luck,


ps. if the above doesn't fit you, dont take it.. it wasn't meant for direct
offense to anyone on the list.

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