On Thu, 6 Feb 2003 10:08:01 +0100
Jozsa Kristof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As a sidenote, I'm getting fed up with the level of discussions going
> up here. I always thought the gentoo distribution is meant for the
> power user, not for the plain brave user (the difference is that the
> power user has both the experience and the _knowledge_ to do what
> he/she wants). 

Catch up with reality.  I'm happy that your experience and _knowledge_
has brought you to such delerious heights that you can sneer at the rest
of ignorant humanity, but the only way to learn is to ask questions and
seek knowledge.  The user who doesn't know what /proc is will learn that
and more and will soon be able to help others.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2++ system xfce4-cvs

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