I had the same problem. The way i fixed it was to add the user into a
particular group. I forget which group it was though (I dont have access to
my gentoo machine at work), but if you look at /etc/group it might be

-----Original Message-----
From: Susie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2003 7:53 PM
To: Gentoo User Help
Subject: [gentoo-user] Still having problems with X, Su,
reboot/shutdown, and logins

I can't figure out what is causing this.  If I log in as root then log
out and in as user I can't su.  Once in as user I can't log in on
another console as root or su, it just hangs.  Then trying to reboot
using ctl alt del it hangs til I've tried that combo 2 or 3x.  Anyone
have any clue what would do that to my system?  One of the weirder
errors during all this is I had links installed(I've since taken it out)
and when running it as root in console using -mode flag it was fine. 
However when I tried the same as user I got an I/O error.

Right before all this several packages got updated.  Kdeutils, kdetoys,
gentools, and one other file.(ack I can't remember... I've got the darn
flu so dealing with brain fog here)

I also reciently did a "emerge depclean" and it removed 22 files not in
use.  However I noticed when kdeutils and kdetoys upgraded that I can
still find in /usr/kde the /usr/kde/3/  with files still in it sitting
along side the /usr/kde/3.1/  shouldn't it of removed the kde3 when
installing kde3.1?  One final question is how do I rememerge all world
files?  Since somethings were installed I've used "ufed" and changed
some flags.  I'd like to remerge things compiled under the current
flags.  I tried "emerge world" however that didn't work.

Thanks in advance :)

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