I've been trying to install gentoo (heard some good things) and I've run across an odd problem and I can't think of a solution off hand.
As I run through the x86 install guide, I get to step 12.  I run the command
    # cd /usr/portage
    # scripts/bootstrap.sh
It's running fine, but as soon as I leave the computer alone the screen goes blank.  This is normal, linux often does this.  But if I leave it for even longer (a few minutes in this state) then I will be unable to access my system.  No key presses will bring the screen back so I can watch the rsyncing and building, and even my power button is disabled, I have to reset or yank the power cord!
My first thought was, "well, obviously there is a conflict with my power saving features in my BIOS", so I went and disabled them.  Still happens.  Then I thought, "well, maybe my computer might do this if instead of starting from stage 1 I start from stage 2".  So I downloaded stage2, did the appropriate commands and got to
    # emerge system
Same thing happens, screen goes blank, leave it for longer, I can't "unblank" it.
To test this I left the computer at a state before either of these commands, just sitting idle, or with lynx running.  I left it for 30 minutes (more time than it took in my problem cases) and it would "unblank" fine.
I'm not at home right now, so I don't have everything memorized but here's my hardware:
    Pentium II 400
    256 Mb Ram
    Set the partitions to roughly:
        hda is an 80Gb drive, hdb is a 12 Gb drive.
        /dev/hda1 100 Mb ext2
        /dev/hda2 512 Mb Linux Swap
        /dev/hda3 20 Gb tried ext3 and ReiserFS
        /dev/hda4 un-assigned.  I'm going to use it as vfat so my windows partition can access it too.
        /dev/hdb1 12 Gb NTFS (windows XP system)
    I set the make.conf file to compile using i686-gnu-c (default, 686)
    I also set to compile for the pentium2 architecture, but to maintain backwards compatibility.
Any help for this would be greatly appreciated!

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