I guess this is a follow up to my earlier post.
Thanks Brett for the setterm tip.  It allowed me  build everything
However, I have a built kernel and upon reboot forgot to run "setterm -blank 0", having not thought to put it into a start up script.  Now this seems like an easy fix, always have "setterm -blank 0" run when you start up linux, but I don't like that.
I had hoped that when I built my own kernel the problem would go away, but it's still there.  When I forgot to rerun the command I was emerging xfree and well, it froze and created the exact same problem as posted in the thread "What to do when emerge don't work?"  I'm trying to solve this by re-emerging system packages after I boot from my stage1 iso cd.
So I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what could be causing this screen blank freezing?  It only seems to happen if I'm in the process of emerging or building programs.  I tried turning off APM in my bios and it hasn't done anything.  Perhaps there's some problem with my power management, etc.
Any tips would be great, the odd thing is that in the fast (about a year ago) I was running Debian for a long time and I never had this issue, so unless it's something in the newer kernels (post 2.4.2 I think) it would appear to be Gentoo thing (although it could be some other problem and I would run across it installing Debian too now).
Well, any help would be greatly appreciated, hopefully when I get home from work my emerging will work properly again :)

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