I followed the gentoo printing guide to no avail - still having problems.

I have an HP LaserJet 4 Plus hooked up via the parallel port.  I have parport, 
parport-pc, IEE 1284 Transfer mode, and lp configured correctly in my kernel 

I did:
emerge cups
emerge foomatic

Weird behavior:
I (as root) cat test.txt ("Hello World:) > /dev/lp0.  Though the command returns no 
error, nothing happens.  I keep doing it:
cat test.txt > /dev/lp0
cat test.txt > /dev/lp0
cat test.txt > /dev/lp0
cat test.txt > /dev/lp0

All of these return NO errors, but nothing happens.

So I issue this command:
foomatic-configure -s cups -p 75104 -c /dev/lp0 -n HP -d ljet4

And get the following error message:
lpadmin: add-printer (set device) failed: client-error-not-possible
Could not set up/change the queue "HP"!

Then I set up cupsd:
rc-update add cupsd default

So I use mozilla to go to, set up the printer with the following 
Name: HP
Location: /dev/lp0
Description: HP LaserJet 4 Plus
Device: Parallel Port #1 (Hewlett-Packard HP LaserJet 4 Plus)
Make: HP
Model: HP LaserJet Series CUPS v1.1 (en)

So I print a test page and get:
Hello World
           Hello World
                      Hello World
                                 Hello World
                                            Hello World

So I print another test page.  This time, nothing happens.  I print another test 
page... nothing happens. Etc...

So I go and look at the 'completed' jobs:
HP-11          Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job   
HP-12          Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job  
HP-13  (stdin) devios      93k   aborted   Restart Job  
HP-14          Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job 
HP-15          Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job
HP-16          Test Page   15k   aborted   Restart Job

I can't seem to find any help on this anywhere.  Any help would be greatly appeciated. 
 Research I've done to this point seems to suggest this is a gentoo problem - as if 
some dependencey or config file entry is missing somewhere...

There are a lot of similar issues from gentoo users.

In any case, I just would like a working printer so I don't have to continue using 
Microsoft products.  I'd appreciate it if you could cc my email address on all 



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