On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 18:10:07 -0800
Brett Campbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi.
> i wasn't able to use flash in konqueror either.  i was successfully
> using flash in galeon before i had merged kde 3.1.  upon reading your
> mail, i was inspired to re-emerge netscape-flash and run ldconfig -v
> and then fire up konqueror and select "Settings->Configure
> Konqueror->Plugins->Scan for new plugins"
> this seemed to fix the problem for me.  surf over to
> http://www.joshuadavis.com/ and check out his calender system; it's
> all flash.  Best of luck,
> lion-O
> On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 01:54:57AM +0000, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> > On Tuesday 11 Feb 2003 01:52, gabor wrote:
> > > On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 01:34, Peter Ruskin wrote:
> > > > Well, KDE-3.1 is out and konqueror still can't handle Shockwave
> > > > Flash:-(
> > >
> > > it works for me...
> > >
> > > can you give an url for a nonworking webpage?
> > >
> > > gabor
> > >
> > >
> > http://www.madblast.com/
> > http://www.joecartoon.com/pages/home/
> > 
> > Those work as expected in mozilla, phoenix and opera-static.

I had to add a new directory since my Phoenix
plugins are hidding away in a place Konqueror
doesn't look automatically, the "Settings->Configure
> Konqueror->Plugins->Scan for new plugins" worked.

If the two websites are any indication of the worth of flash sites,
however, I'll pass on them!

Collins Richey - Denver Area
Athlon-XP gentoo 1.4_rc2++ system xfce4-cvs

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