I just did an emerge -u world

One of the packages updated was gcc but I didn't watch everything compile.
There were no errors reported in the emerge.log but something went wrong.
The last few lines of emerge.log are:
1045001785:  >>> AUTOCLEAN: sys-apps/bash
1045001790:  >>> unmerge success: sys-apps/bash-2.05a-r3
1045001790:  ::: completed emerge (23 of 30) sys-apps/bash-2.05b-r3 to /
1045001790:  >>> emerge (24 of 30) net-misc/dhcp-3.0_p2 to /

It hit an error in the emerging of dhcp-3.0_p2.

Now whenever I try to do emerge ANYTHING, I get the following:
python2.2: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

I have confirmed that libstdc++.so.5 does not exist in

Any idea on how to get it back up and running?
Any idea what when wrong?

* Cal Evans
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* http://www.christianperformer.com

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