-- Cal Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spake thusly:

> I just did an emerge -u world
> One of the packages updated was gcc but I didn't watch everything
> compile. There were no errors reported in the emerge.log but
> something went wrong. The last few lines of emerge.log are:
> 1045001785:  >>> AUTOCLEAN: sys-apps/bash
> 1045001790:  >>> unmerge success: sys-apps/bash-2.05a-r3
> 1045001790:  ::: completed emerge (23 of 30) sys-apps/bash-2.05b-r3
> to / 1045001790:  >>> emerge (24 of 30) net-misc/dhcp-3.0_p2 to /
> It hit an error in the emerging of dhcp-3.0_p2.
> Now whenever I try to do emerge ANYTHING, I get the following:
> python2.2: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5:
> cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> I have confirmed that libstdc++.so.5 does not exist in
> /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.2.1
> Any idea on how to get it back up and running?

try reading /usr/portage/sys-apps/portage/files/README.RESCUE.

Perhaps it would make sense for emerge to have a statically linked
wrapper which runs the real emerge, or outputs a message about this
file if that fails.

> Any idea what when wrong?

It's possible that what happened to you is similar to what just
happened to me on two different systems. My portage counter
(/var/cache/edb/counter) got reset or something, which made Portage
think that newly emerged packages were older than existing ones. When
AUTOCLEAN kicked in, Portage started deleting things like
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 and /lib/ld-2.3.1.so. Not cool.

You can test whether this is happening (once you've rescued Portage) by
doing 'emerge -p clean' and seeing if Portage is planning to remove
older versions instead of newer of any packages. If it is, you can fix
it by altering the relevant COUNTER files under /var/db/pkg manually,
or write a semi-quick shell one-liner to do it automatically. In the
meantime, I'd recommend disabling AUTOCLEAN in make.conf until you get
things straightened out (although be sure to turn it back on and do
'emerge clean' once you do).

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