On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 20:57, Richard Kilgore wrote:
> Doesn't KDE start a sound daemon named something like art or
> arts?  Gnome has/had such a thing, too, and it would grab a hold
> of the audio device and any programs that did not submit their
> audio output to this daemon would not work (esd, I think it
> is/was called).

Yes, the process is artsd.

> I'm guessing only KDE apps know how to send their audio output to
> the arts daemon, so you might have to kill it to use others.

Artsd *should* release the sound device after a certain period of
inactivity.  I think the default is something like 60-90 seconds (which
IMO is just silly).  IIRC there is an option to change it under "Sound
Server" in the KDE Control Center.

If that doesn't work, then kill artsd and try again.

-- Josh

>     - richard
> On Sun, Feb 16, 2003 at 08:52:57PM -0800, Eric Miller wrote:
> > I posted earlier about my sound working except in a
> > game...I was wrong.
> > 
> > It only works in KDE (y'know..the little noises it
> > makes minimizing and maximizing windows...)
> > 
> > Any other app, a game, even flash sound in a
> > browser...no dice.
> > 
> > What should I do?
> > 
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Joshua J. Berry

"I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere."
    -- /usr/games/fortune

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