I see now. I guess I grew up with the /etc/... method and got used to it and used it even on RH - RH was the first I've seen the shortcut on. Several others have posted some scripts you could use.

On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 08:48:17 -0500
Phil Barnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tuesday 18 February 2003 8:39 am, brett holcomb wrote:

What are you trying to do?? Any distro will tell you a
service is started if it's already running. You do a
/etc/init.d/service restart if you want to restart it.
This is equivalent of a stop then a start. Gentoo's init
service is the same as all the others - the directories
may be different but they all do /etc/somedir/servicename
start/stop/restart/... .
What I miss in Gentoo is the simple format for services like found in Redhat and many others, ie:

service servicename stop/start/restart

It eliminates needing to know where the service directory is or including it every time.

service httpd stop

is a lot easier than any other incarnation and make any system easier to admin.

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