
my ~/.procmailrc currently looks like this 
(I use fetchmail/procmail/Courier-IMAP):

    MAILDIR=$HOME/Maildir               # you'd better make sure it exists
    DEFAULT=$MAILDIR/INBOX              # completely optional
    LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/logfile    # recommended
    YEARMONTH=`date +%Y-%m`

    * ^List-Id:.*gentoo-user\.gentoo\.org

    * < 262144
    | spamassassin

    * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes


Is there a way to remove the string "[gentoo-user]" from
the mail subjects of this mailing list? At the moment it 
is difficult for me to skim through the subjects with mutt
if the xterm window isn't wide enough.

I've read "man procmailex", "man formail" and am rereading
"man procmail" but haven't found a solution yet.

Another mutt/IMAP related question: how do you make the
mails sent by mutt be stored in the .Sent/ folder of the
Courier-IMAP server? The MS Outlook Express with which I
access the same server does save the outgoing copies, but
mutt doesn't. Is there some fcc-hook or sent-hook to set?


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