On Wed, 05 Mar 2003 00:52:45 +0000
MIKE MacMartin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Which one was it that was just a border around the window and used pie
> menus for the actions, moving was *not* left click ... their webpage
> had something about a "Next Generation Paradigm" or a "New Paradigm"
> or some other thing ... can't remember its name and it seemed really
> cool to me... the desktops were just a straight colour ... different
> one for each desktop ... fairly unusable, but cool concept.

I'm not sure which one that is.  Waimea is a varient of blackbox that
has no toolbar and to shift to a new desktop you move your cursor to
edge of window but the desktops can be vertical and horizontal.  With
ice it reminds me of kde1x for some reason and I'm still messing around
with it before I form much opinion on it really.  There are text based
wm tho I forget the name of it.  Evilwm is really barebones from what I
can see tho actually not tried it just visited the website.  I belive
most give a right click menu and in some cases middle button menu. 
Afterstep and Windowmanager I think tho had just the square icons on the
screen and it was somewhat weird manuvering around it.  Enlightenment is
diffrent and not sure quite how to describe that one.  I suggest looking
at the gentoo online package database list of window managers and
visiting their official sites.  There is one rather neat one there
called "tree" but tho I find it neat I'm not enough of a power user to
fully benifit from it.




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