On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 04:57, Andy Arbon wrote:
> > BTW, since I am a fairly new linux user i have no idea what happens
> > when linux crashes 
> When Linux *what*??
> ;)
I know what you mean :) But just for the sake of fairness I have had to
reboot my gentoo box because of hangs. It has happened 3-4 times
randomly in last 3 months that after sitting idle for sometime it
hangs... I see a frozen Xscreensaver and tapping the mouspad (its a
laptop) doesnt get it off....... ctrl+alt+f1 doesnt work
(ctrl+at+(+)/(-) has never worked for me somehow) and the only option I
got is reboot. 
I know this may not be linux crash... may be Xfree crash but then again
when we say windows crash.. what component do we mean?
Still this is not similar to BSOD so for that... err....what about
kernel panic!!!!!

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