latin hypercube wrote:

Had this same problem and there are some discussions on

What worked for me was to re-emerge libvorbis and then emerge kde again

"emerge libvorbis && emerge kde"

On Friday 07 March 2003 23:00, richard terry wrote:


After literally days of downloading via my dialup and having got a base
kernel etc compiled, I'm now halted at kdeaddons failing to compile.

Any suggestions about how to continue. I've heard how good gentoo is, and
I've certainly learnt heaps about linux to this point.

As I'm not a computer nerd nor technical person could any help be kept

I've used Mandrake for a few years, so am  familiar with basic file
editing, compiling useing tar.gz, configure, make, install etc, so I've
some basic skills.


Richard Terry

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I had that exact same problem and like the hypercube siad I just re-emerged libvorbis then stared back up with kde and no problems after that. I've also done some searching on that error cose and it seems that a lot of people are having that problem and "emerge libvorbis" has fixed it.

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