Sorry I hit reply not reply 2 all.
Jesse Jacobs said:
> Hello Doug,
> I've noticed this as well.  After normal system use(i.e. no X), Swap
> isn't used.  If, like stated earlier u use a HUGE app(i.e. gdm/kdm and
> all the frills) most of the jobs remain in memory but the infrequently
> used jobs are paged out to swap to allow for a faster load of the
> imminent job.
> If this behavior annoys u, try like Ben Sparks suggests:
> swapoff
> and edit your /etc/fstab
> Jesse Jacobs
> Doug Gorley said:
>> I've got 768MB of RAM (1x256 + 1x512), and from the top output below,
>> it looks like only 447MB is being used.
>> On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 12:33, Ben Sparks wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> How much RAM do you have.  I just don't mount swap unless I know I'll
>>> be  doing something that requires a ton a memory.  I have 512mb and
>>> don't  use the swap unless I need it.
>>> Daniel Carrera wrote:
>>> |I don't know why, but I know that this is normal behaviour.
>>> |
>>> |What you will notice is that Linux will use a small ammount of swap
>>> from |the beginning, but it won't use much until actually you run out
>>> of RAM. |
>>> |Perhaps someone else knows the rationale behind this.
>>> |
>>> |Daniel.
>>> |
>>> |
>>> |On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 11:39:06AM -0800, Doug Gorley wrote:
>>> |
>>> |>G'day list.  Here's the header output from top:
>>> |>
>>> |>----------
>>> |> 11:38:03  up 18:02,  3 users,  load average: 0.13, 0.08, 0.02
>>> |>104 processes: 102 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
>>> |>CPU states:  7.7% user,  1.4% system,  0.0% nice,  0.0% iowait,
>>> 90.8% |>idle
>>> |>Mem:   775460k av,  709540k used,   65920k free,       0k shrd,
>>> 318648k |>buff
>>> |>       447528k active,             191944k inactive
>>> |>Swap:  498004k av,    6952k used,  491052k free
>>> 207392k |>cached
>>> |>----------
>>> |>
>>> |>So, my question is, if I've got 191MB of inactive memory, why is my
>>> |>computer using 7MB of swap space?
>>> |>
>>> |>Thanks,
>>> |>
>>> |>--
>>> |>Doug Gorley | [EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenPGP Key ID: 0xA221559B
>>> |>Fingerprint: D707 DB92 E64B 69DA B8C7  2F65 C5A9 5415 A221 559B
>>> |>Interested in public-key cryptography? |>
>>> |>
>>> |>
>>> |>--
>>> |>[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
>>> |>
>>> |
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>> --
>> Doug Gorley | [EMAIL PROTECTED]     OpenPGP Key ID: 0xA221559B
>> Fingerprint: D707 DB92 E64B 69DA B8C7  2F65 C5A9 5415 A221 559B
>> Interested in public-key cryptography?
>> --
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Jesse Jacobs, R.H.C.T.
Ajax, ON  Canada

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