On Thu, 2003-03-13 at 15:40, Pius Lee wrote:
> Hi, I recently used nmap to portscan my machine from another pc and 
> found that i've got the following ports open:
> 22 (ssh)
> 25 (smtp)
> 113 (pop-3)

Stop your network interface and watch which services are automatically
Restarting network and checking those services one by one you should
find which one listens the pop3 and smtp ports.
You could use nmap from the target box without any problem even if the
network interface is down.

To stop network:
/etc/init.d/net.eth0 stop
To start network:
/etc/init.d/net.eth0 start
To start services:
/etc/init.d/servicename start

Arturo di Gioia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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