Ralph F. De Witt wrote:

Thanks for your quick help. That cleared up the Dvd and Cdrom problems. Now I have a problem with the floppy when trying to read a floppy I get the error:
Could not mount device. The reported error was: mount: I could not determine the filesystem type, and none was specified.
I hope you can help solve this my fstab for the floppy is:

/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,user 0 0

Hope this helps somewhat.

H Ralph,

I never cared about mounting my fd. I am using them with their "normal"FAT format and use them with the mtools. WIth these you just use the commands like in old DOS times (mcopy, mdir...) No mounting needed with that.
And you cannot forget to unmount your floppy berfore removing it.


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