On Sat, 2003-03-15 at 18:12, Doug Gorley wrote:
> I'm trying to upgrade to gcc 3.2 on my fiance's computer, but I get seg
> faults every time I try.  Ditto for compiling the kernel.  I thought it
> might be a memory issue (I recently added a new 512MB stick), so I'm
> running memtest86 right now.  It found 23190 errors so far.  Is this
> likely the cause of my compilation failures?  If so, does it certainly
> mean that the memory is bad, or are there any "tricks" to memory errors
> (swap mb slots, re-seat it, etc.)  Note that there haven't been any
> problems with any applications thus far, just with compiling.

Well, the best way to tell if it's the new memory is to pop it out and
try again.  It could well be that the memory is not properly seated or
is defective, especially given your memtest :)


Alec Berryman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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