Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
I've always wondered about that!!!. Can one put these changes into a config
file so as not to have to type it in every time?

try kdesu <programm> if you are using kde

Or for something more generic, add this to your /root/.bash_profile:

su - YOUR_USERNAME_HERE -c "/usr/X11R6/bin/xauth extract - $DISPLAY" | xauth merge -

This is the most proper way to do this without being desktop specific. Make sure you su to root using "su -", not just "su". This poses none of the security risks that xhost poses (if someone has root on your machine, you are already toast). It also has the advantage of not breaking anything like using xhost will (some programs will flat out refuse to run in an xhost "liberated" environment since it is such a terrible security risk).

I think I've posted this tip before... (digs through archives... yep!).


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