Everyone seems to have their own "way of doing it".  Some sites
recommend you use dd, others recommend using cat.

Does anyone know which is _truly_ the "better" way?

Digital Drip - http://www.digital-drip.com

On Mon, 2003-03-17 at 17:09, Phil Sexton wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-03-17 at 16:51, gabor wrote:
> > On Mon, 2003-03-17 at 21:29, Phil Sexton wrote:
> > > # Generate an ISO from a CD
> > > dd if=/dev/cdrom of=foo.iso
> > 
> > why don't you do a cat /dev/cdrom > foo.iso ?
> > 
> > gabor
> I undersood that the command I used gives an exact copy of the cd
> including free space and everything, a sort of a bit for bit copy.
> The cat command doesn't act the same, does it? It only outputs separate
> files, doesn't it?

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