On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 08:17:42 -0600

> At 12:39 AM 03/27/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> >Hi again,
> >
> >Well, I just finished installing Gentoo on an older machine.  I go to
> >reboot as the final step and discover that the drive had Quantum's
> >Dynamic Drive Overlay installed and that grub didn't overwrite it.
> >
> >So, is there a way to remove the overlay without destroying my Gentoo
> >install?
> >
> >Mike.
> >
> >--
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> I'm fairly sure there isn't because that software is installed on the
> MBR.
> I don't know how to remove it with linux tools but you can use a MSDOS
> boot disk and issue fdisk /mbr and that will remove the software.

As he said, but overwriting the mbr will not destroy your gentoo

If you have a way to build a grub boot floppy, you can boot
your gentoo from the floppy.  Knoppix booted from a CD will work, or you
can get someone else to do this for you on a *nix system.

>From a system with grub installed:

1) Format and mount a floppy (ext or even dos format)
2) mkdir /mnt/floppy/boot
3) mkdir /mnt/floppy/boot/grub
4) copy from wherever grub lives *stage* to /mnt/floppy/boot/grub
5) create /mnt/floppy/boot/grub/menu.lst.  If not on a dos floppy, you
can also cd to /mnt/floppy/boot/grub and add ln -s menu.lst grub.conf,
but you can't do this on a dos floppy.  Make sure the stanza for your
gentoo partition and kernel are correct.

 6) grub
     root (fd0,0)
     setup (fd0)

Now you have a grub boot floppy.  Boot and enjoy.

Good luck,


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