On Thu, 27 Mar 2003 18:37:03 -0700
Mike Diehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 27 March 2003 5:31 pm, Sami Näätänen wrote:
> > On Friday 28 March 2003 01:38, Mike Diehl wrote:
> > >
> > > Would you believe that this didn't fix it?  I booted a '98 floppy
> > > and did an fdisk /mbr.  But when I rebooted to the hard drive, the
> > > overlay was still there!  Damned virus.
> >
> > Have you checked that your BIOS isn't protecting the MBR. Some
> > BIOSes have option to forbid MBR writes. So the writer thinks that
> > it wrote the stuff to the MBR, but the BIOS simply ignores the
> > write. I have once forget that and wondered why lilo doesn't work.
> > ;)
> Well, I went back to check.  No, the "virus protection" is turned off.
>  It 
> looks like I may have to do a dd on the drive and start over...
> GRRRrrrr.

Maybe someone in the group can tell you exactly how many blocks at the
front of the drive to zero out without overlaying the start of the file
system.  Then try reloading the mbr again.  The #$!^ overlay probably
takes up optional sectors in the mbr area.


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