Hi all,

My turn to go a bit OT, sorry :)

I've been digging around for a while at this, but not found a good
enough answer.

What I want to be able to do is, 1 big headless server running X and KDE
(or may even Gnome, and others too), and multiple desktops boxes (3-4 to
start with) able to login to it.
I can already hear calls of LTSP from the back, but... The desktops will
be fully independent, capable of, and set up to run their own X servers
and desktops.

So that I can use them (especially the laptop) away from the home
network they must start their own X server, and KDM login screen. From
there give me the option on what server to login to.

Yeah, I could use VNC, but having to log into one, to ssh into another
to run a command, to log in again is... messy...



Mike Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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