
I don't know about multiple server selection in KDM, but right now I have 2 networked gentoo PCs.

To login to a remote node, I type

X -query remotecomputer

(Where remotecomputer is your remote computer IP or name)

It even works from cygwin, from my main computer, which is sadly on Windows for multiple good reasons.

Good luck.


Mike Williams wrote:

Hi all,

My turn to go a bit OT, sorry :)

I've been digging around for a while at this, but not found a good
enough answer.

What I want to be able to do is, 1 big headless server running X and KDE
(or may even Gnome, and others too), and multiple desktops boxes (3-4 to
start with) able to login to it.
I can already hear calls of LTSP from the back, but... The desktops will
be fully independent, capable of, and set up to run their own X servers
and desktops.

So that I can use them (especially the laptop) away from the home
network they must start their own X server, and KDM login screen. From
there give me the option on what server to login to.

Yeah, I could use VNC, but having to log into one, to ssh into another
to run a command, to log in again is... messy...



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