There are ways to make your own custom livecd for gentoo, although the
documentation seems to be pretty slim atm.  There are various threads on

There is also a livecd-ng ebuild, that is supposed to do what you ask, but
again, I hear the documentation etc is pretty slim.    Try this thread and also
do a search for livecd-ng on the forums, for other threads like it.


->-----Original Message-----
->From: Mitchell Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
->Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 9:43 PM
->Subject: [gentoo-user] RE: replacing kernel on Gentoo install CD
->Hi list,
->Further to my post earlier in relation to replacing the kernel on
->the Gentoo installation CD.
->Would it be possible for me to construct a floppy disk with a
->kernel image and a copy of lilo on it and then instruct that
->floppy disk to boot the root partition from the Gentoo Installation CD?
->passing a command something like "linux root=/dev/hdc" or
->someting similar at the lilo prompt?
->This way I am not actually changing the Gentoo ISO but creatinga
->custom kernel which will boot the Gentoo ISO.
->Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
->Mitchell Smith
->[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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