
MFB> I am not sure, but I think there is a problem with KDE 3.1.1 and its
MFB> memory usage. Since my upgrade from 3.1 I have noticed that after 
MFB> some days (of using my computer) my memory is fully used and my 
MFB> machine begins to swap. I haven't changend anything else (only added 
MFB> usb-support into my kernel), so I think it's KDE 3.1.1 which is 
MFB> "wasting" my RAM.

MFB> Is this a known issue? Is it really KDE? Is there a solution?
MFB> TIA and greetings, Matthias
I had the same problem with KDE 2. So it seems like KDE has a memory
leak somewhere.


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