Hello folks -

I've been using Gentoo pretty happily for a few months now. Every now and then 
I check to see what has been added to the stable packages and update ones 
that are out of date. I was happy to see KDE 3.1.1 was out so I emerged 

DISASTER! It left me with four different KDEs, 3.04, 3.0.5a, 3.1 and 3.1.1. 
3.04 and 3.05a worked, but 3.1 and 3.1.1 did not. It seems as though a path 
is set up wrong, as it complains non-stop about not finding things: missing 
mime agents, not understanding protocols, and hollering that my version of 
kio was way too old. I wrote up details as bug #18065, and I figured that I 
would be the first of a long chain of complainers. BUT, it seems like I am 
the only one that had the problem. I have not seen anything on this list 
about it.

I went back to KDE 3.1 by doing an unmerge on all of the 3.1.1 packages and 
then doing emerge <kde3.1.1. It takes my about 24 hours to compile KDE, so I 
do not want to just try again.

Does anybody have any ideas as to what went wrong?


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