Am Montag, 31. März 2003 22:53 schrieb ext Spider:
> otherways, have you looked at OpenPKG??    That might also be something
> to look at, it was promising when I switched to Gentoo at least ;-)
I also like the idea of having a source based equivalent to OpenPKG, which 
could be used on any Unix platform. Let's call it OpenPortage :-). I 
thought about this a few days ago and I think there are some things to 

By now, portage is bound to linux, so the different architectures used in 
the ebuild are named by the processor (-family) they run on. It would have 
been better to use the well-known processor-vendor-os triplet.

On Gentoo, portage is used to build the entire system from scratch, but if 
you'd use it on solaris, you allready have a base system. So there have to 
be dependancy (and other) exceptions in the ebuilds for other OSes than 

Installation directories are currently not configurable in portage, they're 
hardcoded in the ebuilds :-(

What about init scripts? You may have to provide them per OS (don't know how 
this is solved in OpenPKG).

Just my EUR 0.02...

Dirk Heinrichs          | Tel:  +49 (0)151 1513 6954
Configuration Manager   | Fax:  +49 (0)211 47068 111
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