On Tue, 01 Apr 2003 10:01:38 -0700
Daniel Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> emerge -pUD world

Nope unfortunately.  That still makes it fetch it.  :(  I don't want to
turn on accept for all ~x86 only specific ones which is why I unmask in
keywords in builds.  So I think I'll install the earlier version of
openbox and then let the newer overwrite it and that should stop it from
complaining.  I wish they'd version number the executables that way
nothing would get over wrote and people that want more than one version
would have that option.  Right now I've had the opposite problem with
another program and gave up on it as well.  I like gkrellm more than
gkrellm2 and I've emerged it's specific plugins and even anchored it in
the world file.  However it keeps fetching the newer version.  So I've
given up and left it in my system but just don't use it.  So far all
other programs I've anchored in the world file that are diffrent than
the stable versions out work just fine.  It's simply those two.  Only
other problem is for the newer sane frontends/backends their
dependancies aren't being done right or something.  If I do a dep-clean
or a -p deplcean both show it as stuff that should come out.(actually I
filed a bug report on the "dep-clean" script as it also listed other
things I had anchored in the world file whereas depclean didn't do that)




"Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." - Jules de

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