On Saturday 29 March 2003 09:43 pm, Matthias F. Brandstetter wrote:
> ---------- quoting Ernie Schroder ----------
> > Looks like it's time for a reboot and go non GL for a screensaver.
> > I'll post back in a couple of days
> yes, me too :)

        I've been up for a couple of days as of this morning and I've still got 
massive memory leaks, though turning off the GL screensaver seems to 
have helped, I notice that every time I open a link in Phoenix, it 
sucks up another 1.4 megs of RAM. A half hour ago I saw that phoenix 
was having trouble refreshing a page and looked at top again I had 390 
megs used and it was sucking up memory in 12 meg chunks every couple of 
seconds. Killing Phoenix got me back 30 or 40 megs but I was still 
showing almost 500 megs used. A reboot brought me back to a somewhat 
normal usage.
        Are others having problems with Phoenix? It's too bad that it behaves 
like this, I really like the browser but it looks like I'll be using 
something else for a while
Regards, Ernie
100% Microsoft and Intel free

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