Hey all...

I'm running through the IPMasq setup portion (section 3.4.1) of the IPMasq How-To at http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~dranch/LINUX/ipmasq/c-html/index.html

I've gotten to the line "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth5 -j MASQUERADE" in the part about enabling SNAT functionality. eth5 is my cable modem... Suffice to say that iptables doesn't seem to like that one... (invalid arguments)

Any ideas on how to fix that command to make NAT work?

Also... the /var/lib/iptables/rules-save... is it safe to manually edit that? And how exactly does that work? Is that just a last state file? So if I get it working right once I don't need to fiddle with that? Basically, I'm wondering if I get the one NIC to do NAT properly if I should just set up all the other NICs manually or whether it would be quicker to copy the commands in the rules-save file.



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