Matt Neimeyer wrote :
hi matt,

i think i saw a post with a similar problem as yours. it was suggested
that you need to emerge iptables again.

it worked for me.

kind regards

> Hey all...
> I'm running through the IPMasq setup portion (section 3.4.1) of the
> IPMasq How-To at
> I've gotten to the line "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth5 -j
> MASQUERADE" in the part about enabling SNAT functionality. eth5 is my
> cable modem... Suffice to say that iptables doesn't seem to like that
> one... (invalid arguments)
> Any ideas on how to fix that command to make NAT work?
> Also... the /var/lib/iptables/rules-save... is it safe to manually
> edit that? And how exactly does that work? Is that just a last state
> file? So if I get it working right once I don't need to fiddle with
> that? Basically, I'm wondering if I get the one NIC to do NAT properly
> if I should just set up all the other NICs manually or whether it
> would be quicker to copy the commands in the rules-save file.
> Thanks!
> Matt

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