On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 05:31, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> Why would we want idiot users. I personally believe gentoo should not want to 
> be an all-users distro. Please let the noobs run redhat, mandrake, caldera, 
> suse whatever. The installation manual is an excelent way to filter out those 
> users who are not quite ready for gentoo yet. This will make sure that the 
> traffic on gentoo-user is not quadrupled (and all devs and knowledgeable 
> people leave it). It will also make sure that the amount of invalid bugs 
> doesn't increase considerably.
> Gentoo is a linux distribution for power users by power users. Everyone is 
> welcome to use gentoo, but as yet it could mean that users who are not 
> qualified get disappointed. That's bad luck for them, but I don't really care 
> that much. For gentoo we need people who are going to help to make the distro 
> even greater than it is now. People who really need a graphical install are 
> not going to be those people.

Sorry, but I disagree. 

I think that portage makes gentoo a much better newbie distrobution than
redhat or mandrake. I also think that our irc channel is WAY better at
helping newbies than #redhat (i dont even know if there is a #mandrake
channel so I wont comment on that), and our web forum is imho the best
out there, period.
Yes, Gentoo is missing is a graphical installer. BUT I think thats a
good thing, because I can remember how much I learned the first time I
installed Gentoo (I even learned more than the first time I tried to
install LFS) because our installer documentation was just so excelent. 

The command line installer :) is excelent for teaching tool for newbs..
which is how we get people to _STOP_ being newbs.. by teaching them..
not by excluding them from the oportunity to learn.

Gentoo: newbies check in, they dont check out.

-- alex

ps. I dont think we should change a single thing as far as our bug
system goes, we have bugs.gentoo.org for real bugs, and we have this
mailing list and #gentoo for everything else. So far it has always
managed to bail me out.

pps. I think charging for support is a good idea. I would happily let
someone pay me to help them install gentoo over the phone :)

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