begin  quote
On Fri, 4 Apr 2003 16:36:47 +0200
Sigurd Stordal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> >     * About the optimization flags, don't give the "idiot" users the
> >       chance to change sensitive compile flags. Maybe they could
> >       only change the processor they are compiling for with
> >       --march-XXXX and nothing else,
> I thought you could specify the CFLAGS in the ebuild, so it wasn't
> using to agressive Cflags, Or am I wrong.

please read the policy here. 
as it is, we default to -O2, and say that in most cases -O3 is ok.
-march= is generally ok, and thats about it.

We -dont- want to be forced to filter out all of the -f or -m options
(have you even -looked- in the manual there?  Sheesh)  for all or any of
the extra flags. doing so would both require us to check all/any
combination of the flags, and then manuall edit every ebuild for all
those flags.  GAH. 

But of course, we could go through in every build and manually force you
to only use -O2 .  Its a viable concept and I'm sure people would be
happy with it.      not.

  irate developer

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