On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 23:21, Brett Campbell wrote:
> Hello list,
> i use a pentium4 chip, and, despite a stable system, have just learned of the 
> invalid sse2 cruft.  i am in fear for my system's health, regardless of its 
> excellent performance :).  I have read that gcc 3.2.3 has fixed this stuff, but i 
> was considering rebuilding the entire system with 3.3 (as the 3.2.3 branch has 
> ceased/closed).
> has anyone tried or used 3.3 yet?  what would be implications or undesired side 
> effects from rebuilding my system?  is there direct confliction with glibc?  i doubt 
> it.  any suggestions from anyone who has more knowledge than i do would be well 
> appreciated :-)

I use a P4 and recently suffered errors in the nature of compilation
failures.  On rebuilding with P3 cflags using 3.2.2 mysteriously those
packages which were failing previously emerged perfectly.  Right after
rebuilding 3.2.3 was moved to testing tree so that's what I'm using
now.  It works fine and is known to fix P4 bugs.

Regarding 3.3, having seen bugs.gentoo.org flooded with gcc 3.3 related
problems not long back I would strongly suggest that you do not go for
it yet.  It is hardmasked for these reasons.  From what I gather work is
being done to smoothen the migration and in good time 3.3 will be moved
to mainstream use.

The wise move may be to wait for the 3.3 release to stabilise either on
testing or stable and then rebuild although if you did rebuild with
3.2.3 that should be fine too.

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