On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 02:16, Brett Campbell wrote:
> Hey thanks a lot for the reply.  I'm currently building 3.2.3 as i write this (gcc 
> is huge!).  I've also modified my cflags to be much more aggressive.  When i rebuild 
> world, this will most likely break things; do you comply/agree?  Even though i'm now 
> using -Os instead of -O3, i've also included some other -fFLAGS.  I'm sure some are 
> redundant (as implied by -march=pentium4).
> Basically:
> CFLAGS="-s -march=pentium4 -O2 -pipe -mfpmath=sse -msse -mmmx -fomit-frame-pointer 
> -frerun-cse-after-loop -frerun-loop-opt -fthread-jumps -fforce-addr 
> -falign-functions=4"
> Not quite sure what is going to happen, but i'm building gcc 3.2.3 with these flags 
> right now, and all seems well ;-).  Please feel free to 
> comment/flame/threaten-with-death/etc.  Thanks!

I would personally suggest that you go with traditional cflags such as
below or at least cflags that were milder for rebuilding of world to
rule out any adverse effect on base system.

CFLAGS="-march=pentium4 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"

Have a look at this quote in the mozilla ebuild.

# Recently there has been a lot of stability problem in Gentoo-land.
# Many
# things can be the cause to this, but I believe that it is due to gcc3
# still having issues with optimizations, or with it not filtering bad
# combinations (protecting the user maybe from himeself) yet.
# This can clearly be seen in large builds like glibc, where too
# CFLAGS cause the tests to fail miserbly.
# Quote from Nick Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who in my opinion
# knows what he is talking about:
#   People really shouldn't force code-specific options on... It's a
#   bad idea. The -march options aren't just to look pretty. They enable
#   options that are sensible (and include sse,mmx,3dnow when
# The next command strips CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS from nearly all flags.  If
# you do not like it, comment it, but do not bugreport if you run into
# problems.

Safe cflags will not only rule out the possibility of compilation
failure and instability due to agressive cflags but will also allow you
to bug report.  Also, with new versions of gcc optimisation options
might change and I'm going to wait until 3.3 is rolled out before I look
at the optimisation manual again.

By the way, I forgot to mention this but I rebuilt base system (emerge
-e system) and upgraded gcc to 3.2.3 with pentium3 flags so there was no
possibility of incorrect code being generated.

Good luck.

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