in my /usr/portage/net-fs/samba there are 4 ebuilds:


On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 11:31, Ernie Schroder wrote:
On Tuesday 27 May 2003 11:10 pm, Yusuf Nagree wrote:
> Hope this isn't a silly question, but how do you get emerge to
> install the latest packages.. I've been searching around for the
> answer and haven't come up with anything
> eg. in the samba directory, we have versions 2.28, 2.28a, 3.0alp22,
> 3.0alp23.
> when I do an emerge samba, it wants to install 2.28a - I can't get it
> to install 3.0alp23 automatically
> It's not being masked as far as I can tell

There are no ebuilds that I see for samba later than 2.2.8a.
If there were ebuilds available and masked, doing:
ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge -up samba
would upgrade to the latest masked ebuild.

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