On Sat, 31 May 2003 17:13, DAVID wrote:
> I don't think so. emerge sync or rsync should work, cause
> it rebuilds the portage tree anyway. Only one way to find
> out, do it.
> I would delete my tree and rebuild it, but lucky for me I
> am not at home to try it. :)
> Think you just need to rsync again.

Luckily it's just a hypothetical question... I haven't accidentally deleted it 
or anything.

The reason I ask is, I'm wondering if it's safe to 'chattr +d /usr/portage' to 
prevent the portage directory being backed up on my daily backup scripts... 
it would save a fair amount of space... I just want to make sure that it's 
still easy to recover from if I do so.

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