If you happen to use squid, look at the Bandwidth-Limiting Howto on
tldp.org.  It has a section in there about changing to User-Agent.
For example, I have 
"header_replace User-Agent FiltyRich/10.0 (Windows; OpenBSD; Linux i886;
en-UK; rv:1.2.3-) IExploder/6.0" in mine.

On Sat, 2003-05-31 at 20:15, Chris I wrote:
> On 2003.05.31 09:33, Mike Arrison wrote:
> > On Fri, May 30, 2003 at 10:42:23PM -0400, Trey Sizemore wrote:
> > > How do I get my Mozilla 1.4b browser to appear as IE6 on Windows XP
> > when
> > > I visit sites?  Long story short is I'm trying out a language site
> > and
> > > have the plug-in I need, but I think the Moz browser is throwing it
> > off.
> > The usual technique for this is to change the "User-Agent" string that
> > the browser sends the server.  Unfortunately, I'm not so sure Mozilla
> > has this capability built in.  I know Konqueror will nicely emulate
> > other browsers though.  Maybe someone has found the mozilla option
> > that
> > I'm missing though.
> This is not a valid solution. A better solution would be to email the 
> web developer in charge of said website and harrass him, or ask nicely, 
> whichever you prefer.
> But in a pinch, enter "about:config" in your address bar. This is a 
> long list of mozilla prefrences. (I'm using MozillaFirebird, but they 
> shouldnt be too different). Scroll down and find the prefs starting 
> with "general.useragent.*" and change their associated values.
> To return to full-superiority mode, you can edit your
> ~/.mozilla/default/*/prefs.js file and remove the lines refrencing the 
> prefrences you changed.
> -Chris I
> It is impossible to experience one's death objectively and still carry 
> a tune.
>               -- Woody Allen

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