On Sunday 01 June 2003 14:44, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> Well, I think I have narrowed down my problem here, but not sure. When I
> boot into gentoo  during startup, I get you have not installed devfs into
> the system, it is required. Well, I have recompiled, many times trying to
> find the proble. I can not find where in the start scripts that the
> following is useddevfsd /dev. Where do I put it? many thanks

from your email it sounds like you do not have devfs compiled into the kernel.  
The installation instructions say:

File systems --->
  [*] /proc file system support
(Required for Gentoo Linux.)
  [*] /dev file system support (EXPERIMENTAL)
  [*]   Automatically mount at boot          
(Required for Gentoo Linux.)
  [ ] /dev/pts file system for Unix98 PTYs
(Uncheck this, it is NOT needed.)
  <*> Second extended fs support
(Only needed if you are using ext2.)
  <*> XFS filesystem support
(Only needed if you are using XFS.)

Is this as yours looks?
Tom Wesley
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