On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 07:01:44AM -0700, Mark Knecht wrote:
> Hi,
>    I'm wondering about the best way to handle this problem. For a long time
> I've used System Commander to create multi-boot systems. However, it has (or
> maybe I have) finally hosed up things enough playing with Windows
> installations that I'd like to get rid of it totally and just use grub.
> Right now the state my machine is in it will only boot into Windows. When I
> try to boot any Linux distro on the box (Gentoo, Redhat or Mandrake) all I
> get is the message 'GRUB' and everything stops. All the partitions are
> there, but Windows and SC7 have renumbered the partitions so everything is
> hosed up and Linux won't boot.
> (I should boot with labels instead of partition numbers I think...)
>    One option would just be to build a second Gentoo installation, and then
> from there fix up that installation's grub files. This is straight forward
> and I'm sure I can get it working, but it creates more work than I think I
> should have to do. I'm happy to do that if it's the safest way to go.

That's the hard way!

There are some good rescue distros out there - one that's floppy-based:


and some that are CD-based - if you can burn CDs from your Windows


Boot one of those, mount and chroot to your linux partition, and you can
start cleaning things up.

Nathan Meyers

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