On Wed, Jun 04, 2003 at 09:13:38AM +0100, Mark Fisher wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Wednesday 04 Jun 2003 12:54 am, Andy Smith wrote:
> > Just installed gentoo over the weekend and now I notice that my Home
> > and End keys seem to produce different escape sequences when in X
> > compared to from the console.
> I found I had a simpilar thing and posted a fix on the gentoo forums:
> http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=53721

I know that name!  You're fIREfox from blitzed/ftech.  You may
recall me as "grifferz".


I _can_ alter inputrc to kinda make it work but:

1) This doesn't explain why the sequence changes in X as compared to
   the console.
2) I have to do this also on every single remote machine I ever want
   to log into.
3) This only applies to apps that use GNU readline (for that is what
   inputrc is part of)
4) Even in those that do use readline, they seen to expect Home/End
   to be something else e.g. mutt that I am using now has a default
   key binding on <End> to go to last message in the list, or end of
   message displayed.  This binding has always worked fine..until I
   installed gentoo.
   So yeah mutt uses readline so I can add another binding on this
   new sequence, but doesn't it kind of hint that something is wrong
   with _my_ setup when that has worked before?

Thanks for the reply though.. I will have to dig further..

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