---------- quoting Jason Nielsen ----------
> I have to agree with Arturo on this one.  If you want to go even
> lighter than that I'd dump ddd and snavigator and just use emacs. 
> You will need gdb for debugging and I find emacs gud interface to
> gdb very functional after you take a few minutes fiddling with it. 
> As far as organizing your source I would just put together a make
> file for each particular project and run a M-x compile.  Also
> remember, C-h m this is your friend as it will give you a list of
> all the key-bindings for the particular mode you are in... i.e. C
> mode, gud mode etc.

Thanks to Marius, Cedric, Daniel, Arturo, and Jason for your help!
I will look closer to your replies and then try to make the best 
decision for my needs...

Greets, Matthias

Mmm ... invisible cola
 - Homer Simpson

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