On Sat, Jun 14, 2003 at 12:14:20AM -0300, Norberto BENSA wrote:
Content-Description: signed data
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ date ; echo ${GXzim}
> Saturday 14 June 2003 12:00 am
> > Hi,
> > I started merging openoffice and itīs really taking
> > itīs time [about 5 hours] and itīs not yet done. My
> > question is why canīt I go to openoffice.org and
> > download the tar ball and install it from there, it
> > would have take no more than 10 minuts I believe. Is
> > it better to merge packages than to download and
> > install them manually? Why does it take longer to
> > merge a package then to insall it from source (e.g.
> > openoffice)?
> >
> Errr... OOo 1.0.3-r1 took 9hs to build here (p31g, 256mb)
> "emerge openoffice-bin" if you don't want to wait. I did, but -bin-1.0.0 was 
> soooo slooooowwww :-/ Now 1.0.3 compiled from source it really fast! :-)
> Norberto

Is it really that much faster? I have a PIII 450mhz machine (5 hours?
heh, I wouldn't even expect KDE to compile in that time), so I've been
using the binary ebuilds so far. Also, IIRC, compiling OO from source
strips out the optimization. The OpenOffice.org source is pretty
fragile, and optimizations (especially GCC3's) will give you a good
chance of a failed compilation.


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