What would be really great would be to bea able to do this...

  emerge mozilla-complete

...and have it do all this stuff for you.


>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/16/03 8:40 AM >>>
2) We need a better list somewhere on what should be emerged to operate
at the Windows level when browsing. It may not be perfect, but we should
able to say something like

Audio links - emerge XXX & edit these preferences (mp3, ogg, etc.)
Video links - emerge YYY & edit these preferences (avi, mpeg, etc.)
File links  - emerge ZZZ & edit these preferences (pdf, txt, etc.)

3) The comments on security and about why it cannot work automatically
are really great, and I hadn't even considered that part. Linux does
extra security. Sometimes it gets a bit in the way of the simple user
like me, but that's OK with a good list like in #2 above.

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