On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 01:17, Paul Stear wrote:
> My wifes windows XP machine is almost redundant and I have been trying to 
> backup my gentoo box over the network onto a spare disk in the other machine.  
> I am just lost I cannot get windows to see gentoo.
> I have managed to transfer files the other way i.e. windoes to gentoo.

I sometimes temporarily store large things on a Windows box
with lots of space and do this:

        1) Share a directory on the Windows box with appropriate
           share security and permissions.

        2) Mount that directory on the Linux box with the command:

                mount -t smbfs -o username=ME //WINBOX/DIR /m1

           ME is my user name on the Windows box, WINBOX is the
           network name of the box and DIR is the name of the
           shared directory.  The mount command prompts for the

        3) Use rsync to copy the tree of stuff from Linux to Windows:
                rsync -avP SRCDIR /m1

        4) Unmount the Windows directory:

                umount /m1

I don't normally leave Samba running so I find this easier than
starting Samba, adding a new share, moving data and then deleting
the share.

Good luck.


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